المركز الصحراوي للثقافة و الفكر


الأربعاء، 14 مايو 2014

كتاب الجناية السياسية والسلم الإجتماعي .

نبذة عن حياة جون بورنمان

Professor John Borneman

Director of Graduate Studies

Ph.D. Harvard University, 1989

126 Aaron Burr Hall
(609) 258-7368

Office hours: M&W 3-4; and by appt.

authority and identification, political and legal anthropology, anthropology of memory, narrative theory and ethnographic method, urban studies, kinship, sexuality, Europe and Middle East

short bio
John Borneman has conducted fieldwork in Germany and Central Europe, and is currently engaged in research in Lebanon and Syria. He has completed projects on the symbolic forms of political identification, the relation of the state to everyday life, forms of justice and accountability, and on regime change. Currently he is working on an anthropology of secularism. From 1991 to 2001 he taught at Cornell University, and has been guest professor at the University of California, Berkeley; Stockholm University (Sweden); Bergen University (Norway); guest professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (France); Fulbright Professor at Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin (Germany) and the University of Aleppo (Syria). He has written widely on kinship, sexuality, nationality, and political form, with an ethnographic focus on Germany--and currently Lebanon. His most recent publications include Belonging in the Two Berlins: Kin, State, Nation (1992); Settling Accounts: Violence, Justice, and Accountability in Postsocialist States (1997); Subversions of International Order: Studies in the Political Anthropology of Culture (1998); Death of the Father: Toward an Anthropology of the End in Political Authority (2003), and The Case of Ariel Sharon and the Fate of Universal Jurisdiction (2004). Professor Borneman teaches courses on culture and international order, the anthropology of memory, and money, sex, and cultural diversity

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